The building blocks of Javascript Programming Language

Programming is all about performing tasks to solve problems.
Every programming language will have certain building blocks that help you achieve your tasks.
Here are the building blocks of Javascript that will help you develop fantastic interactivity for the web :
- Comments - Helps you add notes to make your code more understandable.
- Functions - Helps you perform a task over and over again. It helps you avoid writing the same lines of code again and again.
- Variables - Used for storing and retrieving the information when needed.
- Objects - Helps you model and manage the information of entities such as HTML Elements, cars, persons, documents, phones, customers, etc.
- Document Object Model (DOM) - Helps you modify a web page by letting you add/edit/delete HTML content and CSS Styles.
- If/Else Conditionals Statements - Helps you make decisions inside your code whenever certain conditions are met.
- Math Operations - Helps you animate elements on the page, create calculators, make decisions while performing tasks, etc. But don't worry about Math. We only need to learn basic math operations. This applies even if you are building complex Javascript components.
- Events - Helps you respond to a particular user action on the web page. It is the Javascript Events that make interactivity possible on the web.
- Lists - Helps you store multiple items of data together
- Loops - Helps you loop through multiple items of data and perform some action on each item.
- Asynchronous Javascript - Helps you contact a web server without refreshing the page and the heart behind modern, highly responsive interfaces like Gmail and Facebook.
- Object-Oriented Programming - Helps you write reusable and organized code that you can use across multiple projects.
Each building block is designed to help you solve a particular problem you face while performing the tasks.
And no matter what task you are performing, you will combine these building blocks together.
So, technically, if you master how to use these building blocks properly, you'll become a pro-Javascript developer and a good programmer.
So, if you master these building blocks in Javascript, consider that you have a good idea about them in other languages, too.
On the other side, if you are already familiar with any other programming language, Javascript will become easier for you because you are already familiar with some of these building blocks.
Such is the power of learning one programming language <3
Anyway, in the next lesson, we will start taking baby steps in programming by learning the importance of comments and how to write them.
Don't worry, programming is not hard when you understand it, and I will help you understand it.
We are in this together :)
From the next lesson, we will start learning these building blocks one by one.