It is time to build some simple components

There is still a long way to go in terms of gaining rock-solid Javascript foundations.
We need to still learn foundational Javascript concepts like:
- Event listeners and event handling
- Custom functions
- If/Else conditional statement
- Loops
- Math operations
- Advanced Arrays
- Timer functions
- Anonymous functions
And these concepts will only make sense if we are working on some real-world building components like:
- Discount modal - Custom functions, event listeners, and event handling
- Show/hide the password - If/Else conditional statement and above concepts
- Dark Mode - Else-If conditional statement and above concepts
- Cookie consent popup - Browser events, Anonymous functions, and above concepts
- Off-canvas menu - Multiple click events to achieve the functionality
- Accordion - Arrays and Loops
- Clamp calculator - Math operations
- Pricing guide calculator - Math operations and using a third-party Javascript library
- Memory Game - Timer functions and all the above concepts combined
So, from now on, new Javascript concepts will be introduced as a solution to the problems that we face while building the above components.
Starting from the next lesson, we will start working on creating a modal component from scratch.