It is time to build some simple components

It is time to build some simple components

There is still a long way to go in terms of gaining rock-solid Javascript foundations.

We need to still learn foundational Javascript concepts like:

  1. Event listeners and event handling
  2. Custom functions
  3. If/Else conditional statement
  4. Loops
  5. Math operations
  6. Advanced Arrays
  7. Timer functions
  8. Anonymous functions

And these concepts will only make sense if we are working on some real-world building components like:

  1. Discount modal - Custom functions, event listeners, and event handling
  2. Show/hide the password - If/Else conditional statement and above concepts
  3. Dark Mode - Else-If conditional statement and above concepts
  4. Cookie consent popup - Browser events, Anonymous functions, and above concepts
  5. Off-canvas menu - Multiple click events to achieve the functionality
  6. Accordion - Arrays and Loops
  7. Clamp calculator - Math operations
  8. Pricing guide calculator - Math operations and using a third-party Javascript library
  9. Memory Game - Timer functions and all the above concepts combined

So, from now on, new Javascript concepts will be introduced as a solution to the problems that we face while building the above components.


Starting from the next lesson, we will start working on creating a modal component from scratch.